Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to register to use the service?

Not necessarily. Registration is only required if you want to create a space and for users who prefer to personalise their avatars. If a user doesn't choose to register they can join a space using a randomly-generated avatar.

Do I or others need to download software at any point?

No. Our service is available via simple web links, which means that all you need is a browser.

How can I use my (pre-existing) Ready Player Me avatar?
  1. Enter any of our spaces/worlds we host.

  2. Go to your Profile (top left) > Select Profile > Click on Your avatars > Click on the Ready Player Me button

  3. Once the Ready Player Me interface emerges choose SIGN IN WITH READY PLAYER ME > enter the email you registered/created your avatar with and password.

I need more info or support – can you help?

Absolutely. You can join our Discord channel (, or use our contact form. Please be as specific as you can with the issue and we will come back to you.

I want to migrate a model I made/ I purchased from a library – will it work?

Our service accepts .gbl models created with commercial software or that come from most online libraries (e.g. Sketchfab, World Builder, Epic store). However, some models, might appear broken or might contain textures or polygon counts that are unfit for web distribution.

At Captic, we cannot take responsibility for 3rd party content so please ensure that all models are as robustly designed as possible and take into consideration the fact that our service delivers web-based, multiplayer and cross-platform experiences.

For more information visit our Creator's Toolkit area.

I want to create a space – how do I access more technical information?

Full details of how to create a space are available here:

I want to embed the space I built into my website -- how can I do this?

You can easily display a working version of a space on a website by embedding the link using the following code:

<iframe src="https:// (INSERT THE DIRECT SPACE DOMAIN HERE)" title="(INSERT THE SPACE NAME)" id="iframe" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay;fullscreen;camera;microphone;xr-spatial-tracking" allowfullscreen="" ></iframe>

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